Monday, February 16, 2009

Winter Watercolor Blues

Mother nature often arranges her world in such a tidy manner. As an artist I eliminate large amounts of what is visible so that the viewer has the pleasure of imagining more than they see with the naked eye.

Often I imagine more than what is in front of me and sometimes I have a hard time deciding if I should, or should not, add my mental wanderings. I'm thinking I should enjoy tackling this scene again and include the imaginary house way up the hill. It only exists in my mind but then again there just may be a lovely cabin up there just over the top? Was it man or beast who made the tracks going into, or out of, the woods?

Using masking fluid, I was able to preserve the white of the paper and avoided using white paint. It is time consuming but I enjoy it never the less. I worked from a photo but the scene was also visible from my window. Near the completion of the painting I decided to add sparkle paint to emphasize what I saw and felt. I don't know if it made any difference to any viewers but it sure did brighten up my winter blues! Does anything else really matter when all is done?