Sunday, October 26, 2008

Watercolors-watermark test

I painted this as a result of reading about using Art as a way of healing the soul. Since I was trying to find my way out of a bad turn in my life, I figured it was worth a try.

These eyes have been doodled by me for years beyond count. I decided to paint them and just let myself go. I haven't shown the piece outside of friends and family before now because it seemed too personal and strange. While I still see it as strange, it doesn't bother me to share it any longer. Maybe someone else will identify with it.

The question is: Did I put a watermark on the piece or not?


Operator_99 said...

Not a place I'd like to find myself, but seems like you are long past there which is a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Hi operator_99,

I don't see a watermark. Ha, someday, then again maybe not, I'll be able to do what it is I think I am doing on the first try.

Art does have healing qualities. So does the love of many good friends. In that, I am fortunate indeed. Somewhere on this planet there is someone who is worse off than everyone else. By chance, we are not that person.